The resident who fell from the 19th floor survived under special conditions

2423 Telegram

In Russia, a resident of the city of Voronezh fell from the 19th floor and he survived under unusual circumstances. The resident was "knocked by an angel".  He is safe.

A citizen who fell from a multi-storey residential building landed on top of a car, the national portal "Adyrna" reported.

According to RIA Novosti, a man falling from a height of 50 meters jumps up and sings the song "Lyubov, pochaya na son".

Eyewitnesses say that when the resident was falling from a height, he made an unintelligible noise and he attracted the attention of the country. Emergency medical care was provided to the man who fell from the roof.

Doctors said that the man's head and spine were damaged, but his life was not in danger.

"Adyrna" national portal
