Kazakhstan sends additional humanitarian aid to Palestine

Adyrna.kz Telegram

Kazakhstan will send additional humanitarian aid to Palestine, "Adyrna" portal reports with reference to the press service of the government.

"According to the instructions of the head of state Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, Kazakhstan will provide additional humanitarian aid to Palestine. This issue was discussed at the meeting of the government commission chaired by the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Roman Sklyar," reports the government press.

Humanitarian aid includes food, bedding, medicine and medical supplies weighing more than 38 tons.

"The cargo will soon be sent by air. Kazakhstan's support is aimed at helping Palestine in connection with the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip," the press service of the government said in a statement.

Before that, Kazakhstan provided humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people in the amount of one million dollars. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that the funds allocated by the government of Kazakhstan for the Palestinian people were transferred to the account of the UN agency for the Middle East.

At the beginning of November, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev announced his decision to provide humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people.

"The conflict between Russia and Ukraine in the North and between Israel and Palestine in the Middle East continues. Instability continues in Afghanistan. The problem of illegal migration is worsening in the West. Today, civilians in the Gaza Strip, especially children, are suffering unjustly. The elderly are becoming victims of the conflict. Ensure their safety In this regard, I have decided to provide humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people in the amount of 1 million dollars," said Tokayev.

Let's recall that on the morning of October 7, Israel announced that it was subjected to a massive rocket attack from the Gaza Strip. Dozens of fighters of the Palestinian Hamas movement entered the border areas of the country. Israel has officially declared martial law.

On October 26, Hamas announced that Israel had occupied the Gaza Strip. On October 28, Israel announced that it had entered a "new phase of war" in the Gaza Strip.

Under the terms of the deal, Hamas said every day since last Friday it has released 13 Israeli women and children hostages, and Israel has released 39 Palestinian prisoners, including women and youths under the age of 19, from their prisons.
