Kazakhstanis can register a traffic accident even without the police

Adyrna.kz Telegram
Фото: shutterstock
Фото: shutterstock

Starting from January 1, in the event of a minor traffic accident, if the drivers have an insurance document, they can register it in a simplified manner without the involvement of the police and the court. This was announced by Polisia.kz, the national portal "Adyrna" reports.

For formalization, the state has developed the "Eurochat" mobile application, according to the JKO, there are several conditions for formalization.

"There should be no damage to health as a result of the accident, the amount of damage to the car should not exceed 100 MCI. It will be 369 thousand tenge. The drivers are not subject to administrative liability under the simplified procedure of the ЖКО. Due to the avoidance of administrative and court procedures, the term of insurance payments will be shortened, said Kuanysh Tilekbayev, senior inspector of special tasks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
