An official who hosted a wedding for 500 people has been fired

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In Karaganda region, an official who ignored the ban on weddings during quarantine was fired. The head of the region Zhenis Kassymbek told it at the online hardware meeting, Adyrna correspondent reports.

"As of today, the head of the department of land relations Maksutov Kalel Mukatayevich has been dismissed due to a serious violation of quarantine, ie the organization of weddings during the pandemic. I would like to warn you again that the punishment for such violations will be very severe. Here all the norms of professional ethics of a civil servant are violated. Do not underestimate the great work being done in the region to combat coronavirus infection. Do not disappoint residents. You are responsible for your actions, regardless of your status or place of work! ”the region's governor said.

It's worth noting that on August 7, the head of the Department of Land Relations of Karaganda region Kalel Maksutov violated sanitary norms and held a "farewell party".

National portal "Adyrna"
