A conference was held in honor of Ahmet Baitursynov and Mukhtar Auezov

Adyrna.kz Telegram

Today in Almaty the International Turkic Academy held an international conference "Harmony of the Greats". This event is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the teacher of the nation A. Baitursynov and the 125th anniversary of the jurist M. Auezov.

The meeting was held in the building of the National Library , Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Mambet Koigeldiyev, Honored Worker of Kazakhstan Smagul Elubay, as well as representatives of the intelligentsia and prominent scientists.

As part of the internship, a special exhibition dedicated to Alash figures, A. Baitursynov and M. Auezov was organized.
