A 57-year-old man grew 24 kilograms of marihuana on his land

Adyrna.kz Telegram

A 57-year-old man grew 24 kilograms of marihuana on his land in Almaty. The press service of the city PD wrote about it, "Adyrna" reporter reported.

A citizen named G., born in 1965, was detained in one of the houses in Medeu district as part of the Republican "Karasora" event.

"During a warranted search of the suspect's home, over 23 kilograms of marihuana was found and confiscated. 6 roots of hemp grown by him were also found in the area next to the house," says the head of the Department for the fight against extremism, police lieutenant colonel Maulen Kasymzhan.

Based on this information, pre-trial investigation procedures were started in accordance with Article 297, Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
