Objects named after Nazarbayev should keep their names - Tokayev

Adyrna.kz Telegram

Head of state Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev believes that the facilities named after Nursultan Nazarbayev should retain their names. This was announced by the Press Secretary of the President, Ruslan Zeldibay, the reporter of "Adyrna" reported.

"It is known that a group of deputies in the parliament proposed to return the former name of the capital to Astana.

The President is aware of this initiative of the deputies. People's representatives, in turn, relied on the proposals made at meetings with residents, as well as numerous requests from citizens during the referendum.

The proposal of Majilis deputies was included in the draft Constitutional Law with the consent of the Head of State.

President N.A. is strengthening the current statehood of Kazakhstan and laying the foundation of the capital. He considers it a historical fact that Nazarbayev played a decisive role. Therefore, other facilities named after the First President should retain their names," he said.
