A woman from Kyzylorda sold her twins for half a million tenge

Adyrna.kz Telegram
Symbol of law and justice in the empty courtroom, law and justice concept.
Symbol of law and justice in the empty courtroom, law and justice concept.

A resident of the Aral district of the Kyzylorda region sold his twin children for half a million tenge, the correspondent of "Adyrna" reported.

According to the regional court, the woman knew that she would have twins and decided to sell them. Thus, his acquaintances, married defendants Zh. I met with K. and made a mutual agreement to sell her children to them after giving birth.

According to it, the couple transferred a total of 60,000 tenge to the woman in January-April 2023 in various amounts to get medicine and food through the "Kaspi bank" application.

"The accused gave birth to children in April and gave them to Z. I gave to K. After giving 200,000 tenge, the "buyers" talked about paying the agreed amount in installments. Thus, 252,000 tenge and another 34,000 tenge were transferred separately to the mother of the babies. Accused D. received only 546,000 tenge from the couple," the report said.

Later, the accused and the couple turned to a notary. The children's biological mother agreed to their adoption and subsequent guardianship.

"The defendant D., who sold his children, was found guilty by the verdict of the specialized inter-district court for juvenile affairs of Kyzylorda region and sentenced to 8 years of imprisonment. Defendants J. K. was found guilty and sentenced to 2 years of imprisonment," the court said.
