"The level of Zhaiyk is rising." The emergency situation in West Kazakhstan is tense

Adyrna.kz Telegram
Фото: zhaikpress.kz
Фото: zhaikpress.kz

The mayor of the West Kazakhstan region reported the situation in the region, "Adyrna" reporter reported with reference to Tengrinews.kz.

The head of the region said that the flood situation in the region has worsened and the water level in the Zhayik river has reached 7 meters and is approaching the limit level.

In Akzhayik, Burli, Baiterek, Terekti districts of the region, in the districts of Ural city located along the Zhaiyk river, 94 settlements are threatened with flooding. Akim of the region:

"We have mobilized all resources, dams are being built in the most dangerous areas along the banks of the Zhaiyk River. 200 units of equipment have been mobilized and about 1,000 people have been mobilized for embankment strengthening," said Nariman Toregaliyev.
