"1.5 billion tenge". Merchants protested at the "Altyn Orda" market

Adyrna.kz Telegram

More than 200 merchants of "Altyn Orda" market in Almaty may be victims of fraud. This was announced by the Qaz365.kz portal, the "Adyrna" national portal reported.

According to the information, today the businessmen who invested in the closed pavilion of the famous bazaar protested. Since October 2022, they have collected funds of at least 12 million tenge each, hoping to get new shopping places. Today, the fate of the sum of 1.5 billion tenge is unknown.

The owner of "Altyn Orda new company" LLP, who claims to build more than 300 shops in the third closed building of the market, is Daniyar Alpiev, who returned to the "Altyn Orda" market after the January incident. He is the son of the late Altynbek Alpiev, one of the first founders of this market. According to the merchants, this citizen and his partner Ermek Omarov promised to complete the construction of closed shopping areas for merchants between June 9, 2023 and January 9, 2024, and collected funds in advance. However, the depositors protesting today are concerned that only 25 percent of the construction has been completed, and the police have opened a criminal case against Daniyar Alpiev.
