Through "Kazakhstan-2030". The "Uzbekistan-2030" strategy was presented to the public for discussion

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The authorities of the Republic of Uzbekistan defined the next 7-year development plan. "Uzbekistan - 2030" strategy, which specifies the main directions of the development plan, and its implementation from 2023, was presented to the people for discussion, the national portal "Adyrna" reported.

The strategic project of the state of Uzbekistan was published on the portals "" and "" and was put up for public discussion.

The goals and performance indicators of the "Uzbekistan - 2030" strategy are presented in an easy-to-understand form and include 100 goals in 5 directions.

Currently, measures to implement the "Uzbekistan-2030" strategy in 2023 are being considered. In addition, it was announced that the terms and tasks of the executors in the projects, the list of specific target indicators developed within the framework of the strategy implementation, and the list of regulatory legal documents to be developed are being approved.

"Adyrna" national portal
