The amount of fines for traffic violations has increased in the country

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The amount of fines for traffic violations has increased in the country, according to the national portal "Adyrna".

For example, the fine for speeding 10-20 km / h will increase from 14 thousand 585 to 15 thousand 315, for speeding 40 km / h and more from 58 thousand 340 tenge to 61 thousand 260 tenge.

Drivers will now have to pay 15,315 tenge instead of 14,585 tenge for using a mobile phone while driving.

The fine for exceeding the norm of harmful emissions increased from 5 thousand 834 tenge to 6 thousand 126 tenge.

The fine for not wearing a seat belt is 15,315 tenge. The same fine is imposed for improper parking. However, if the car is parked on the lawn or playground, the driver will already be fined 30,630 tenge.

The fine for unpaid parking is 9 thousand 189 tenge. The same penalty applies to driving to an intersection where there is a traffic jam and to daytime running lights or parking lights that are not switched on.

A turn signal that is not activated during a maneuver will cost the driver 15,315 tenge, and the transition to a red traffic light will cost 30,630 tenge. A driver who does not give way to a pedestrian will also be fined 30,630 tenge.

The reason for the increase in the amount of fines is the increase in the MCI from January 1, 2022.



National portal "Adyrna".
