58 billions tenge will be allocated for the development of tourism in Almaty region

Adyrna.kz Telegram
اشىق دەرەككوزدەن
اشىق دەرەككوزدەن

58 billions tenge will be allocated for the development of tourism in Almaty region, the national portal "Adyrna" reports with reference to the press service of the regional administration.
According to the department, a memorandum was signed between the administration of Almaty region and a group of investors regarding the creation of necessary conditions for the development of the resort "Oi-Qaragai" and the support of the project.

"Within the framework of the reached agreements, the expansion of the mountain resort is planned until 2028, in particular, the construction of cable cars, increasing the length of ski tracks, equipping slopes, areas for paragliders, glamping, restaurants, lakes and an ethno-town for guests. During the implementation of the project, three main State support measures have been determined in this direction," said Rustam Isataev, deputy akim of Almaty region.
