A workshop was opened for processing 25 tons of milk per day in Shymkent

Adyrna.kz Telegram

In honor of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the country, a dairy processing plant was opened in the Martobe residential area in Shymkent. 300 millions tenge were invested in the project. The plant processes up to 20-25 tons of milk per day. 2.5 tons of Dutch and mozzarella cheese products are produced from processed milk. Cheese products are also produced on demand.

According to the head of the company Polat Khalayev, in the future it plans to increase the volume of production to 35-40 tons. At present, dairy products from Martobe cover all regions of the country.

IE "Khalayev", which employs twenty-five local residents, operates according to quality standards.

Location of the milk processing plant is 130, Zhibek Zholy Street, Martobe residential area.
