A soldier of the National Guard shot himself

Adyrna.kz Telegram

A National Guard soldier shot himself in Almaty, "Adyrna" correspondent reported.

"On August 22, around 3:15 p.m.، during the performance of his duty, military serviceman Sabyrov Abylai Berikuly, born in 2001, shot himself with a pistol attached to him and died as a result of his injuries in military unit 3650 in Almaty.

Law enforcement agencies are conducting necessary investigations. An official investigation was appointed to determine the reasons and circumstances of the incident.

The General Command of the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the "Southern" Regional Command express their condolences to the relatives and friends of military serviceman Abylay Sabyrov," explained the press service of the "Southern" Regional Command of the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
