Tokayev told that cruelty in the society was increasing

2011 Telegram

The head of state Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev raised the issue of domestic violence and bullying at the National Congress, the correspondent of "Adyrna" reported.

"Domestic violence, bullying and aggression are also a dangerous trend today. Frankly speaking, cruelty in society is increasing. There are quite a few people who are ready to insult, trample on someone's honor, and even beat them.

You know that ambulance and public transport drivers have been attacked. It is not right to abuse or insult a person. Such abuses should not be ignored. "He who hides his illness will die." Therefore, we should not hide this public disease, but speak openly

Our citizens should feel safe both at home and abroad. In short, he should live in a safe environment. Law and order must be strictly observed, that is, there must be rule of law in society. The most important thing is that we should raise a kind and cultured generation," he said.
