Forty examples - forty proverbs

1832 Telegram

This year the 150th anniversary of the teacher of the nation A. Baitursynov is celebrated throughout the country.

Today in the entertainment center "Shymkent Plaza,  "forty examples - forty proverbs"was a caravan of traveling literary language .It was organized by the Shymkent city puppet and youth theater ,@kuyrshak.shymkent .

Old proverbs are the source of antiquity in the folds of history, folklore that clarifies the artistic ideas of the people. To this day, some of those old proverbs and misconceptions have survived, while others seem to have been forgotten.

In this regard, the event was organized in order to sharpen the language of the younger generation and teach them to speak different words quickly, with a deep meaning, a wide range of topics - a proverb that has stood the test of time.

National portal "Adyrna"
