Aimagambetov: We have established a student council under the Ministry, we meet with students every quarter

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A student council of more than 70 students has been established under the Ministry of Education and Science. This was announced by Minister Askhat Aimagambetov on his Facebook page, the national portal "Adyrna" reports.

"I met with students from all regions of the country, representatives of student parliaments, youth affairs committees and vice-rectors of universities. In the" free microphone "format, students openly asked questions, shared their thoughts and suggestions. "wrote the minister.
I would like to briefly mention the main directions.
1. Student-centered learning is one of the priorities of the higher education system. University leadership should support student initiatives. Interesting projects proposed by students should be supported by universities as much as possible, especially financial support.
2. Student self-government. Student parliaments should be established at every university. Such organizations develop the political and legal culture of students. It is important that these parliaments do not work only for formalism. Members of the student parliament must be elected by the students themselves. And the elected representatives should be given certain opportunities to solve problems. For example, they receive free grants or Presidential Scholarships, etc. could agree to work. These and other issues will ensure the transparency and legitimacy of decisions made in consultation with the Student Parliament.
3. Volunteering. There are various incentives to increase the number of active students engaged in socially significant activities. For example, now students are given a voucher loan for 20 hours of volunteer work. They can also receive a lump sum payment of 20,000 tenge. If a student works 50 hours, he / she will receive five academic credits (hours) and will be paid 50,000 tenge. But it is important to understand that these are incentives. It is carried out on a voluntary basis around the world.
4. Debate movement. We are actively developing the debate movement. They should be conducted at all levels, from the faculties to the national level. As a former debating student, I urge current students to take an active part in the debate movement.
5. Student sports. Unfortunately, not all universities have provided students with the necessary infrastructure. Gyms should be accessible to students. It is also necessary to develop student sports leagues.
6. We also support the introduction of a social GPA, the development of the movement "Zhaidarman", the work of committees on youth affairs, quarterly meetings of rectors with students, etc. discussed issues.
In conclusion, I would like to note that we have established a student council under the Ministry, consisting of more than 70 students. We will continue to meet with students on a quarterly basis and work together on these proposals, "Askhat Aimagambetov wrote.

National portal "Adyrna"
