Chairman of the Senate Ashimbaev participated in the funeral ceremony of Elizaveta II

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On the instructions of the Head of State Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, the Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament Maulen Ashimbayev participated in the state funeral ceremony of Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. This ceremony was held on September 18-19, 2022 in London. This was reported by the press service of the Senate, the national portal "Adyrna" wrote.

On September 18, the Speaker of the Senate participated in the ceremony of visiting the Queen's coffin in the Westminster Hall and left an entry in the official condolence book on behalf of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He noted that Elizabeth II was an outstanding leader and a symbol of the unity and stability of the British nation, and the nobility, dignity and achievements of the Queen would continue to inspire millions of people around the world.

On the same day, Maulen Ashimbayev took part in the reception of King Charles III in Buckingham Palace in honor of the heads of European, Middle Eastern and Asian countries, governments and international organizations and members of the royal family. During the interview with King Charles III, the Chairman of the Senate expressed his condolences on behalf of the Head of State and said that one of the flower beds in the central park of Astana will soon be named after Queen Elizabeth II according to the decision of the President of the country. The British monarch recalled his visit to Kazakhstan in 1996 as the crown prince. The King also expressed his gratitude for the kindness shown in connection with the death of the Queen, and conveyed his best wishes and attention to the leadership and people of Kazakhstan.

On September 19, the Kazakh delegation took part in the funeral ceremony of Queen Elizabeth II in Westminster Abbey. It should be noted that the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Roman Vasilenko was part of the delegation of our country. About 2,000 guests took part in the ceremony. Among them are members of the royal family, heads of state and government, diplomats and public representatives.

It should be noted that earlier the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev sent a telegram of condolence to King Charles III. There, the Head of State expressed condolences on behalf of the people of Kazakhstan and personally to the King, the royal family and the entire British people. The President of the country also visited the British Embassy in Kazakhstan and he left a note in the condolence book.

"Adyrna" national portal
