Russia bought the Ural international airport

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The management company "Aeroporty Regionov" bought the "Ural International Airport" LLP, which is the operator of the Manshuk Mametova Ural International Airport. In this way, the management company entered into a special contract with its Kazakhstan colleagues, the national portal "Adyrna" reported with reference to showing.
According to RBC, the flow of passengers finding their way from the airport exceeds 300,000 people per year. The Russian holding has stated that it intends to develop it as a transit hub:

"The location of the airport in the north-west of Kazakhstan is convenient for us. There is an opportunity to carry out transit transportation and to form a regional hub on its basis. The arrival of a new investor and the introduction of the competences of a leading airport company create optimal prospects for the further development of the airport."

Also, company representatives noted that a new passenger terminal was built in 2022 in the city of Urals. Future investments will mainly be focused on special equipment, new technology and services.

The owners of "Ural International Airport" LLP are Russian "Retrans" JSC, "Oral Management" LLP and Kazakh businessman Dauletkhan Kylybaev.
