New feature on iPhone: now users can unlock the smartphone with a mask

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Apple has added a face recognition feature for iPhone users. This was reported by The Verge, the national portal "Adyrna" reports with reference to

In the beta version of iOS 15.4, the masked owner has the opportunity to unlock the smartphone. Thus, the iPhone began to recognize the user wearing a protective accessory. Device owners can enable this feature in their phone settings.

When you set the option, a message appears stating that the iPhone can recognize the owner through "unique eye zones". Previously, the Face ID function only worked if the user's face was not covered with any clothing or accessories. The report says that it may take some time to unveil the masked face.

Currently, this feature only works on iPhone 12 and 13 series smartphones. The mask unlock option is expected to be available on all Apple IDs with Face ID after iOS 15.4 is released.

In April 2021, Apple added the ability to unlock the iPhone with a mask for Apple Watch users. If the smart watch is unlocked, Face ID will release iPhone protection.

National portal "Adyrna"
