About 47 millions tenge will be confiscated from the owner of "Altyn Orda" market

Adyrna.kz Telegram

By the decision of the court, a fine was imposed on the company that owns the "Altyn Orda" market. This was reported by the Agency for Protection and Development of Competition, "Adyrna" portal reported.

"Altyn Orda QazTrade LTD" LLP was brought to administrative responsibility by the resolution of the Karasai Specialized Interdistrict Court on Administrative Offenses of Almaty Region. It was brought to administrative responsibility in accordance with Part 3 of Article 159 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Administrative Offenses". Monopoly income in the amount of 46,976,550 tenge was confiscated, and a fine was imposed in the amount of 1,424,776 tenge," the report said.
