Kazakhstan is the leader in the rate of divorce. What are its possible causes?

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Symbol of law and justice in the empty courtroom, law and justice concept.

According to the World Population Review website, Kazakhstan has the second highest divorce rate in the world. These statistics shocked the society. Many activists say that this indicator is a cause for alarm as a social problem, while others present their own research. What is the expert's opinion?

There are family psychologists and specialists who meet with different family fates every day, bring back couples who are on the verge of divorce, and help many families. Lazzat Rakysheva, coordinator of the One-Stop-Service "Bir Kadim" center, president of the "Human Rights Lawyers" public fund, family lawyer Lazzat Rakysheva told the "Adyrna" reporter that she receives letters every day describing various fates. The above statistics did not leave the specialist indifferent.
