Zulfiya Suleymenova went to Japan on a business trip

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The visit of Zulfiya Suleymenova, the special representative of the President on international environmental cooperation, to Japan within the framework of the 8th meeting of the joint commission of the public and private sectors of Kazakhstan and Japan has ended. He wrote about this on his social network page, the national portal "Adyrna" reported.

During the visit, he met with Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Kieto Tsuji and Vice Minister of Environment Yutaka Matsuzawa.

"At the meeting, issues of deepening cooperation, including issues in the field of green and climate technologies, decarbonization, as well as strengthening of cooperation within the framework of the "Central Asia-Japan" dialogue were discussed. The partners highly appreciated the initiative of the Head of State to hold a regional climate summit in Astana in 2026 under the auspices of the UN, and noted its importance," wrote Zulfiya Suleymenova.

He also had a meeting with Kazu Takemoto, president of the International Environmental Cooperation Center (OECC).
