Erlan Kusain, Head of the Department of Internal Policy of Karaganda region: I demand that all documents must be kept only in the state language!

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The hospitality and generosity of the fraternal Kazakh people, who were able to bear all the hardships of yesterday and embrace many people who came to our country from all over the world.It took the big place in the hearts of that people . The best way to unite the unity and friendship between these ethnic groups in a common structure was to create the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan.

In its 26-year history, this structure has played an important role in maintaining stability in society. In turn, we talked to the head of the Department of Internal Policy of Karaganda region - Erlan Beisembayevich Kusainov about the meaning and significance of the Karaganda Regional Assembly, which initiated the coexistence of nation-building nations and ethnic groups, and received answers to our questions.

 Zarina Ashirbek,

National portal "Adyrna"
