A field is burning in West Kazakhstan

Adyrna.kz Telegram

The steppe land is burning in Western Kazakhstan, the national portal "Adyrna" reports. This was reported by the press service of the Department of Internal Affairs and Communications.

The incident was registered on September 5 at 09.40 in Zhosaly rural district of Syrym district.

"About 800 hectares of dry grass burned 15 kilometers from Konyr village. Initially, fire department No. 18 and emergency department (10 employees, 1 equipment) and the structure of volunteer firefighters (35 people, 12 equipment) were mobilized to stop the "silent enemy". At the same time, help arrived from Shingyrlau district and the city of Ural. The wind with a speed of up to 15 meters per second is preventing the extinguishing of the fire. Currently, the forces of the fire brigade (33 employees, 6 equipment), "Ural Firefighter" LLP (5 people, 1 equipment), the structure of volunteer firefighters (50 people, 16 equipment), forestry (1 person, 1 equipment) are fighting the flames." , - the report says.

"Adyrna" national portal
