What is "written speech"?: a textbook for 2nd graders has made the Internet buzz

Adyrna.kz Telegram

The Kazakh language textbook for 2nd graders became the subject of heated discussion and made the internet buzz. "Adyrna" national portal writes about it.

The mother of an 8-year-old student is struggling with how to explain "written speech" to her 2nd-grade child...

"What fool invented such rules? I am speechless. First of all, why did they introduce the Kazakh language in the 2nd grade? It was the mother tongue. Since my grandfather's time, we used to study the "mother tongue" in elementary school. It's okay. Now, written speech is a message to be recorded." What is "written speech"? Writing is writing. Speaking is speech. There is no such thing as a written speech. Who invented such a thing? How can I explain it to a child? - says the author.

Even the topic was called "oral and written speech".
