The president thanked those who supported him during the flood

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The President thanked the citizens of Kazakhstan and the heads of foreign countries who expressed their wishes, "Adyrna" correspondent reported with reference to Akorda.

Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev expressed his gratitude to the people of Kazakhstan and the heads of foreign countries for their support and help in the fight against floods.
"Since the natural disaster occurred in a number of regions of the country, I have been receiving letters from the leaders of friendly countries with warm greetings and proposals for assistance. Kazakhstan sincerely thanks the friendly countries for expressing their readiness to help during the devastating flood.

On my instructions, the republican headquarters headed by the Prime Minister is taking effective measures to minimize the consequences of the emergency situation. Necessary assistance is provided to all injured citizens. All their expenses will be reimbursed. In my recent address to my compatriots, I said that not a single person would be left out. The fight against disaster continues.

It is gratifying that our people showed themselves again in the best way and they showed an example of unity and endurance in the time of hardship. I sincerely thank the citizens of Kazakhstan," the Head of State wrote on his Instagram page.
