Research: Uzbekistan is the most English-speaking country in Central Asia

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The EF English Proficiency Index surveyed English-speaking countries around the world. According to the data, Uzbekistan ranks 88th out of 112 representatives, Adyrna reports.

Uzbekistan is among the countries with the lowest English language proficiency ranked between Albania and Syria.

Among other Central Asian countries, Kazakhstan ranks 96th, Kyrgyzstan 101st and Tajikistan 103rd. Turkmenistan is not even on the list.

The Netherlands, Austria and Denmark top the list in terms of English proficiency.

Over the past year, people's interest in learning a language has plummeted. Due to the pandemic, people began to travel less, business trips were stopped, and as a result, the level of language learning seems to have decreased. In 2019, the survey was conducted among 100 countries, and in 2021 among 112 countries.

Some of the results of EF EPI 2021 are as follows:

Compared to 2020, there is progress in people over the age of 30, and those over the age of 40 for the first time entered the group of intermediate language proficiency. These trends demonstrate the high ability of adults to master language skills during career development.

Ghana, Haiti, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Madagascar, Mozambique, Moldova, Somalia, Tanzania and South Sudan have enough data to enter the index for the first time.

National portal "Adyrna"
