Construction works of a student house with 500 seats have started at Boketov University

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The construction of a 500-seat modern Student House has begun on the territory of Karaganda University named after Boketov, reports the national portal "Adyrna" with reference to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Initially, the Treasury Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan held an open competition for the construction of a dormitory. According to the results of the competition, "Olivia" LLP became the winner. The winning company started the construction and installation of the foundation pit. According to the project, modern furniture will be installed in 202 rooms. It will be a renovated building with tennis tables in the basement.

Also, builders will install football, basketball and tennis courts on the territory of the university.

Over time, a modern campus will appear here, where students can develop intellectually and physically, that is, all conditions will be created for them for the harmonious development of the personality.
