Is it allowed to wear hijab in schools in the new school year?

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Wearing the hijab in public and private schools is against the law. The Minister of Education and Science of Kazakhstan, Askhat Aimagambetov, informed, the national portal "Adyrna" reports with reference to the YouTube channel "Qasqa jol".

- Now we have a secular state. As a secular state in general, we cannot divide religion into other issues. There are appropriate requirements adopted by the school. We must work within the order of the Minister of Education of 2016, - said A. Aimagambetov.

The Minister reminded that Kazakhstan is a secular state in the constitution. He said that all those who go to school must comply with the order of the Minister of Education and Science, the Law "On Religious Activity and Religious Associations" and the Constitution.

- The problem is neither religious nor other. Children are not allowed to come to school in such a dress, whether it is a short skirt or other attributes that do not fit our uniform.

- Therefore, I do not think it is right to bring this issue only to that religion or another. After all, it is against the rules to come in clothes other than school uniforms, - said the Minister.

In conclusion, the Minister of Education and Science notes that the requirements are the same for everyone. He notes that there are requirements for school uniforms, there is a state standard, and both private and public schools in our country must comply with the requirements of this state and all the laws of the country in general.

National portal "Adyrna"
